Thanks Amicus Trust

‘I was brought up by my Mum mostly – there was domestic abuse and my Dad was in prison. Mum got a new husband, which didn’t work well for me. I moved in and out of their home, because of the problems there. I was uncomfortable with all this because I missed loads of school, but I stayed on after the school day to catch up and did get my GCSEs.

This coming and going continued – sometimes staying with friends, sleeping on sofas, sometimes staying with Gran or with my boyfriend – but keeping going back to Mum’s. I started college and got some accommodation with family but it was an awful house to live in. I went to The Fountain café in Bedford and got signed up onto Capita, and I moved into BHL (now Amicus Trust) accommodation. I still had depression and drink problems then.

But at Amicus, I can come home when I’ve been out and not have to worry about where I’m staying. The girls here talk to me. So does my Key Worker. Talking helps. And I get support and guidance, like with letters I get. Stepping Stones really helped. We built up my CV and I got an interview. I didn’t get the job, but I can work on my interview skills now. There is a possibility I may get an admin job – Jon says I’m good on computers and I have a good telephone manner.

It boosts your confidence when someone tells you that you’re good at something. Maybe I could show other people how to do things too. Moving into Amicus Trust supported accommodation also built my confidence, and I am learning to make conversation with new people. We cook nice things, like curry. Residents support each other, and we have security here. It prepares us for independence.’